Spectrum Community School Presentation
Published: November 12, 2015
The Be You Healthy Choices and Anti-Drug Outreach Program was delivered to four classrooms at Spectrum Community School in Victoria, BC.
A total of 92 students from Grade 1o, 11 and 12 participated in the program where our Out-Reach Coordinator, Luke de Leseleuc presented his very genuine, positive and transparent story in a mindful and age appropriate way to each class.
Luke shared his story with integrating and humour and a pin could have dropped as the students listened to him attentively. Aspects of his presentation had a huge impact as emotions of the students was very evident. Students gave him their heartfelt responses and were not afraid to approach Luke and share their own very personal stories.
“I learned a lot about the effects that bad choices can have on your life. How much pain they can cause, and how you can lose yourself. I think it is a really important message for people my age to hear.”
“I found the presentation extremely powerful, and the message really important. I think it is good and necessary to start these kinds of conversations in classrooms because I know so many people my age who struggle.”
“Honestly, I may not be the best student out there. I skip a lot of classes but I do know myself that I am a smart person. And when Luke talked about being the best YOU, I felt empowered and I realized that I should give it my all. Not for anyone but for myself. THANK YOU LUKE!”
BeYouPromise.org would like to thank Spectrum’s, Meghan McMillan, Planning 10 Teacher, for this unforgettable opportunity and look forward to returning next semester.